2018 – A New Beginning

Dr. Baucom, Dr. Mary, and I hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is hard to believe another year is already in gear, we hope to be very productive as we were last year. In 2017, we made advances in our cancer research.  Dr. Jiang, who is director of our Breast Foundation and Research Center, presented our Mitochondrial research in Toronto Canada this past spring. We both presented a poster a the American Association of Cancer Research sectional meeting in Boston in October of last year on cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Our presentation was “How to Attack the Tumor Microenvironment to Improve Efficacy of Tumor Immunotherapy.” I already have posted about my role at the Tripping over the Truth Meeting in Baltimore, MD this past November on the last blog posting. This meeting was dedicated to integrative oncology and to stimulate an effort to get Physicians and paramedical personnel involved in best of conventional therapy to also include holistic and naturopathic medicine to improve responsiveness of cancer treatment and the quality of patients with cancer.

Our mitochondrial research has recently been focused on the effect of antibiotics on mitochondrial function. The results have shown that antibiotics have devastating effects on the mitochondria in our cells and might actually contribute to increasing the risk of cancer and also promoting degenerative diseases. If so, this is huge as use of antibiotics effect essentially everyone in our modern society. Antibiotics also damage and hurt the human microbiome which is very important to our entire health. The recent book published by Dr. Blazer entitled “Missing Microbes” and how antibiotics might Be causing damage to the human microbiome and causing a plague of problems in human health.

I wanted to let all of you know that I plan to work as long as God lets me but this year, I will be cutting down on going to surgery.  I will assist Dr. Baucom on the larger cases. I will continue to see my established patients in the clinic and continue to help Drs. Baucom and Mary as necessary. I also will overread all mammograms done in the clinic. I will intensify my research efforts to try and complete some of this exciting research before the Lord calls me home. This is very important as to how it could help cancer patients and also possibly patients with ALS, Parkinson Disease and Alzheimer Disease.

This effort will be very expensive and we will need more personnel, supplies, and equipment. That is why I want advice from all of you about possibly having a great and large fundraiser for the Breast Foundation. I have some great friends and celebrities that might participate and be willing to give their time. Please, all of you send me your ideas.

Let’s make 2018 a better year, be super productive in research and pray for our progress to help humanity. You will all be part of that success and be proud that we accomplished this mission. I wish all of you a happy and productive 2018 and we look forward to posting our progress periodically and hearing from all of you soon.

God Bless you All,


Robert L. Elliott, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

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