New Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic Video

Here is a video with me (Dr. Robert Elliott) and Mr. Mike Lovell discussing our new approach to our Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic. I am excited that Mr. Lovell will be available all of our many patients, especially all of our cancer patients.  Mr. Lovell has extensive expertise in designing an individualized nutrition plan for all people.  He believes there is not enough nutrition in the food we currently eat and has had excellent results with simple changes in diet.

Every patient, whether you have cancer or not, can make an appointment with Mr. Lovell.  Mr. Lovell will be at our office several days a week in the afternoon to meet with new clients.  If you are interested in meeting with Mr. Lovell, please talk to the front desk and schedule  your appointment.

I think this will be a wonderful adjunct to our current treatment of cancer. I have always believed in supporting the whole patient, which includes supplements, vitamins, and the immune system.  We can’t ignore these areas when treating people for cancer.

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Hope you enjoy!


Robert L Elliott MD/PhD, D.Sc

Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic

Louisiana Iris

We want to let all of our patients, friends, and followers know about our Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic. I am sure that some of you know and maybe heard of the clinic, but we are offering new diagnostic procedures and treatment options.

The clinic was started to help patients with Stage IV disease that had failed and progressed on conventional therapy; and also, those patients that wanted options for cancer therapy other than conventional standard of care therapy.

We have always known about the importance of a healthy immune system and have developed a vaccine immunotherapy program for our cancer patients in the adjuvant period and also Stage IV disease. However, in recent years we have been involved in the metabolic therapy of cancer. We have been impressed with this approach and how it and immunotherapy compliment and improves conventional therapy. It can cut down on toxicity and severe side effects and improve therapeutic response.

By doing research on mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer and publishing papers on some, many doors to great researchers and scientist throughout the world have been opened. We are no collaborating with many of these tremendous scientists and sharing great research ideas.

We now appreciate more than ever the importance of good nutrition, vitamins, trace metals and good supplements in maintaining general health; and especially in cancer patients no matter what stage of the disease.

This experience convinced us that we need to help in the area of nutrition and metabolism, especially in the non-cancer patients ad patients that just want to improve energy, proper weight and overall general health. There is evidence this may cut down on the incidence of cancer and could possibly aid in prevention. Therefore, we have added a nutrition consultant to our clinic services. They will be available three afternoons a week.  We hope many of you will seek this service, as you will be surprised how some changes in diet, nutrition, exercise, and appropriate supplements will impact your energy and quality of life.

To all of you, please feel free to consult Dr. Baucom and me about further information and details of the clinic.


Robert L. Elliott, MD/PhD, D.Sc.



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