To All My Friends & Followers

Spring Wisteria

I am sorry it has been awhile since my last post.  We have been very busy. We have good news with Dr. Mary that she seems to be in total remission. I have also been involved with getting some dental work and having an annual heart work-up.  By the time you read this, I will have already had my heart cath and hopefully it will go well and will not be too serious. Please keep me in your prayers.

We have a nutritionist now who has done a great job and I believe it is important to have a nutritionist with us since we are involved in the metabolic treatment of cancer. I have learned a lot, and what I thought use to be hocus pocus, I am now convinced that it is important. By combining metabolic treatment with conventional treatment for cancer and looking for trace metals that are deficient, it has made a big difference in some of our patients. Our Cancer Metabolic Center is expanding. We have a lot of patients from around the country that have failed conventional cancer treatment and that are no responding to metabolic treatment and cancer immunotherapy. It is a combination treatment and it takes a great deal of compliance in some of the treatments, but some patients have had a dramatic response.

For instance, we have a patient who has had a bout of liposarcoma who was progressing and could not tolerate any more chemotherapy. The traditional chemotherapy treatment was not working anyway and just by placing him on a ketogenic diet along with a few metabolic adjustments, he has lost over 20 lbs in the last 2 weeks. The tumor in his abdomen has gone down and he feels great and has returned to his normal activity! He is feeling great!

Mr. Jiang, who is the director of our research and foundation lab has been in Montreal at a cancer immunotherapy meeting.  He learned about some of the latest research in cancer immunotherapy and we hope to implement some of this new technology into our own research.

I want to give thanks to all of our followers and friends.  I pray that we find a pathway to arrest and prevent this horrible disease and that ultimately, we can have a tremendous impact on all humanity. By the time you read this, Easter will be over, but I am hoping that everyone has a pleasant and happy Easter season. I look forward to the spring and further accomplishments on the path we have embarked upon.

God Bless you all and pray for all of us, our research, and the impact it has on all cancer patients.

Thank you,

Robert L. Elliott, MD, PhD, D.Sc

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