Antibiotics: Friend or Foe?

Lake Rosemound, La. 2018.

Recently, our primary focus in our Breast Cancer Research lab has been on the effect of antibiotics have on mitochondrial function. We recently published a paper called “Antibiotics Friend or Foe: From Wonder Drug to Causing Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Disrupting Human Microbiome and Promoting Tumorigenesis.” It is published in the International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2018, 9, 182-186.  You can access this  journal online for free for anyone who would like to read it. Just click on the link above.

This commentary discusses the effect (often detrimental) of antibiotics and one of our most important intracellular organelles. The misuse of antibiotics can cause damage to mitochondria, and this damage to the mitochondria can ultimately lead to development of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. We decided to write this commentary after reading Dr. Martin Blaser’s book “Missing Microbes: How the Overusage of Antibiotics is Fueling our Modern Plagues.” This is a very good book that explains the importance of maintaining our natural human microbiome for our everyday physiologic function and health.

Dr. Blaser suggests that even though there have been significant advances in diagnosis and treatment of diseases, it seems that people just keep getting sicker and sicker.  We now have bacteria that are resistant to some of our strongest antibiotics. There is a “new plague” which includes obesity, childhood asthma, allergies, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, etc,  Could the damage to our microbiome be contributing to these modern plagues?

In the commentary, we describe some of our data from our lab which does show disruption in the normal physiologic function of the mitochondria.

We have more work to be done…..stay tuned!


Robert Elliott MD,PhD. D.Sc

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To All My Friends & Followers

Spring Wisteria

I am sorry it has been awhile since my last post.  We have been very busy. We have good news with Dr. Mary that she seems to be in total remission. I have also been involved with getting some dental work and having an annual heart work-up.  By the time you read this, I will have already had my heart cath and hopefully it will go well and will not be too serious. Please keep me in your prayers.

We have a nutritionist now who has done a great job and I believe it is important to have a nutritionist with us since we are involved in the metabolic treatment of cancer. I have learned a lot, and what I thought use to be hocus pocus, I am now convinced that it is important. By combining metabolic treatment with conventional treatment for cancer and looking for trace metals that are deficient, it has made a big difference in some of our patients. Our Cancer Metabolic Center is expanding. We have a lot of patients from around the country that have failed conventional cancer treatment and that are no responding to metabolic treatment and cancer immunotherapy. It is a combination treatment and it takes a great deal of compliance in some of the treatments, but some patients have had a dramatic response.

For instance, we have a patient who has had a bout of liposarcoma who was progressing and could not tolerate any more chemotherapy. The traditional chemotherapy treatment was not working anyway and just by placing him on a ketogenic diet along with a few metabolic adjustments, he has lost over 20 lbs in the last 2 weeks. The tumor in his abdomen has gone down and he feels great and has returned to his normal activity! He is feeling great!

Mr. Jiang, who is the director of our research and foundation lab has been in Montreal at a cancer immunotherapy meeting.  He learned about some of the latest research in cancer immunotherapy and we hope to implement some of this new technology into our own research.

I want to give thanks to all of our followers and friends.  I pray that we find a pathway to arrest and prevent this horrible disease and that ultimately, we can have a tremendous impact on all humanity. By the time you read this, Easter will be over, but I am hoping that everyone has a pleasant and happy Easter season. I look forward to the spring and further accomplishments on the path we have embarked upon.

God Bless you all and pray for all of us, our research, and the impact it has on all cancer patients.

Thank you,

Robert L. Elliott, MD, PhD, D.Sc

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New Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic Video

Here is a video with me (Dr. Robert Elliott) and Mr. Mike Lovell discussing our new approach to our Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic. I am excited that Mr. Lovell will be available all of our many patients, especially all of our cancer patients.  Mr. Lovell has extensive expertise in designing an individualized nutrition plan for all people.  He believes there is not enough nutrition in the food we currently eat and has had excellent results with simple changes in diet.

Every patient, whether you have cancer or not, can make an appointment with Mr. Lovell.  Mr. Lovell will be at our office several days a week in the afternoon to meet with new clients.  If you are interested in meeting with Mr. Lovell, please talk to the front desk and schedule  your appointment.

I think this will be a wonderful adjunct to our current treatment of cancer. I have always believed in supporting the whole patient, which includes supplements, vitamins, and the immune system.  We can’t ignore these areas when treating people for cancer.

[videopress ldoyEQYN]


Hope you enjoy!


Robert L Elliott MD/PhD, D.Sc

Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic

Louisiana Iris

We want to let all of our patients, friends, and followers know about our Cancer Immunometabolic Clinic. I am sure that some of you know and maybe heard of the clinic, but we are offering new diagnostic procedures and treatment options.

The clinic was started to help patients with Stage IV disease that had failed and progressed on conventional therapy; and also, those patients that wanted options for cancer therapy other than conventional standard of care therapy.

We have always known about the importance of a healthy immune system and have developed a vaccine immunotherapy program for our cancer patients in the adjuvant period and also Stage IV disease. However, in recent years we have been involved in the metabolic therapy of cancer. We have been impressed with this approach and how it and immunotherapy compliment and improves conventional therapy. It can cut down on toxicity and severe side effects and improve therapeutic response.

By doing research on mitochondrial dysfunction in cancer and publishing papers on some, many doors to great researchers and scientist throughout the world have been opened. We are no collaborating with many of these tremendous scientists and sharing great research ideas.

We now appreciate more than ever the importance of good nutrition, vitamins, trace metals and good supplements in maintaining general health; and especially in cancer patients no matter what stage of the disease.

This experience convinced us that we need to help in the area of nutrition and metabolism, especially in the non-cancer patients ad patients that just want to improve energy, proper weight and overall general health. There is evidence this may cut down on the incidence of cancer and could possibly aid in prevention. Therefore, we have added a nutrition consultant to our clinic services. They will be available three afternoons a week.  We hope many of you will seek this service, as you will be surprised how some changes in diet, nutrition, exercise, and appropriate supplements will impact your energy and quality of life.

To all of you, please feel free to consult Dr. Baucom and me about further information and details of the clinic.


Robert L. Elliott, MD/PhD, D.Sc.



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2018 – A New Beginning

Dr. Baucom, Dr. Mary, and I hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. It is hard to believe another year is already in gear, we hope to be very productive as we were last year. In 2017, we made advances in our cancer research.  Dr. Jiang, who is director of our Breast Foundation and Research Center, presented our Mitochondrial research in Toronto Canada this past spring. We both presented a poster a the American Association of Cancer Research sectional meeting in Boston in October of last year on cancer immunology and immunotherapy. Our presentation was “How to Attack the Tumor Microenvironment to Improve Efficacy of Tumor Immunotherapy.” I already have posted about my role at the Tripping over the Truth Meeting in Baltimore, MD this past November on the last blog posting. This meeting was dedicated to integrative oncology and to stimulate an effort to get Physicians and paramedical personnel involved in best of conventional therapy to also include holistic and naturopathic medicine to improve responsiveness of cancer treatment and the quality of patients with cancer.

Our mitochondrial research has recently been focused on the effect of antibiotics on mitochondrial function. The results have shown that antibiotics have devastating effects on the mitochondria in our cells and might actually contribute to increasing the risk of cancer and also promoting degenerative diseases. If so, this is huge as use of antibiotics effect essentially everyone in our modern society. Antibiotics also damage and hurt the human microbiome which is very important to our entire health. The recent book published by Dr. Blazer entitled “Missing Microbes” and how antibiotics might Be causing damage to the human microbiome and causing a plague of problems in human health.

I wanted to let all of you know that I plan to work as long as God lets me but this year, I will be cutting down on going to surgery.  I will assist Dr. Baucom on the larger cases. I will continue to see my established patients in the clinic and continue to help Drs. Baucom and Mary as necessary. I also will overread all mammograms done in the clinic. I will intensify my research efforts to try and complete some of this exciting research before the Lord calls me home. This is very important as to how it could help cancer patients and also possibly patients with ALS, Parkinson Disease and Alzheimer Disease.

This effort will be very expensive and we will need more personnel, supplies, and equipment. That is why I want advice from all of you about possibly having a great and large fundraiser for the Breast Foundation. I have some great friends and celebrities that might participate and be willing to give their time. Please, all of you send me your ideas.

Let’s make 2018 a better year, be super productive in research and pray for our progress to help humanity. You will all be part of that success and be proud that we accomplished this mission. I wish all of you a happy and productive 2018 and we look forward to posting our progress periodically and hearing from all of you soon.

God Bless you All,


Robert L. Elliott, M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

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“Tripping Over the Truth”

Dr. Robert & Dr. Mary Elliott

I am sure Dr. Baucom has already posted about my attending the meeting “Tripping Over the Truth” in Baltimore earlier this month. I attended this meeting and learned a lot and I thought I would like to share more with you about this meeting as it was dedicated to cancer metabolism and new interesting alternative ways to complement treatment for cancer.

I was fortunate to see my friends Dr. Thomas Seyfried and Dr. George Yu.  Dr. Seyfried is an expert in the field of cancer as a metabolic disease and published a very thorough book entitled “Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and Prevention of Cancer“.  Dr. Yu was one of the founders of the “Tripping Over the Truth Retreat”.

Dr. Seyfried & Dr. Elliott
Dr. George Yu

I gave 2 major presentations and conducted two questions and answers break out sessions. Our presentations on Mitochondrial Organelle Transplantation to treat cancer and Mitochondrial dysfunction was well received. I also learned a lot about other techniques.

Dr. Elliott on a panel discussion

I am now definitely convinced that cancer is a metabolic disease as well as genomic and it looks as if mitochondrial dysfunction is the first thing to occur in all of the nuclear and genomic instability as down stream consequence of a defect in mitochondrial dysfunction. The main problem is getting mainstream medicine and mainstream medical oncology to recognize this fact. In fact, if true since all of the emphasis in the last 30-40 years has been on genomic instability and mutations this has delayed progress in cancer therapy.

I am convinced that our mitochondrial research is on the right track and there is much more to be done. My biggest fear is that time is running out for me before we can truly accomplish this mission and the present biggest problem is the money it will take to prove unequivocally the proof of principle for this new concept that has wide range possibilities to impact cancer, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson, Alzheimer, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

Dr. Elliott’s poster presentation on Mitochondrial transplantation

Hopefully, my team can address the financial problems soon and later this week or early next week I will list some ideas about resolving that problem. I will give you a synopsis and history of our Breast Foundation that we started in 1977. More to come…..thanks and stay tuned. God Bless you and all of your family this holiday week!

Robert L. Elliott M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.

Cancer Immunology Update

To All of our Friends,

I am sorry that I have been away for some time but we have been extremely busy. I attended The Cancer Immunology and Cancer Immunotherapy meeting in Boston and we had a poster presentation on what can inhibit tumors and what is immunosuppressed in the tumor micro environment. We had a good response.

Dr. Elliott & Mr. Jiang’s Poster presentation

I also just recently submitted another paper on the overuse of antibiotics and how they affect the human micro biome causing mitochondrial dysfunction and possibly promote tumor agenesis which means promoting possibly the development of cancer. We are getting some good reaction about this possibility and another man just published a book and his name is Dr. Martin Jay Blaser.

Dr. Blaser focuses his research on bacteria and the human micro biome. He recently published a book entitled “Missing Microbes How Antiobiotic Over Usage is Causing Modern Plagues.”

Last week, I went to Baltimore to a meeting called Tripping Over the Truth and it is focused on the alternative treatment of cancer and cancer metabolism. I gave two presentations while I was up there and will be appearing with experts on two discussion panels.

I have also been contacted by a film production company to do a documentary of the symposium, and they would like to interview me about our work on mitochondrial dysfunction and cancer metabolism. When I get more information on the documentary, I will let all of our friends know where they can obtain this information.

The work on the mitochondrial research and the effect of antibiotics and the use of mitochondria is going really well with our new imaging system.  Wit our new imaginary system, we can do live cell imaging and time lapse photography and videos on what is going on in these cells after they are exposed to different agents.

We will need a lot of support for our work because I now realize that some of our mitochondrial work may lead to improving neurodegenerative disorders like Parkins, Alzheimer’s, and maybe even ALS. We will be giving

I will give you more updates soon! I wish all of you well for the Holiday Season and please share with your friends about our work and hopefully if you can have a fund raiser soon to raise money to support this mission and finish the mission before the good Lord wants me.  God Bless all of you.

Robert L. Elliott, M.D., Ph.D.

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Breast Foundation Raffle

Raffle Prizes

As many of you know, this month is Breast Cancer Awareness……..


We are having a raffle and you can buy tickets at the office.

Tickets are $2 each or 3 for $ 5

Prizes include:

  1. Mia Sophia Florist gift certificate
  2. “Hope” light box
  3. Raising Cane’s Gift Cooler
  4. Christmas Ornament Decoration
  5. Large Pink Ribbon Wreath (not pictured)

The drawing will be held Friday 12/01/17

We are also selling “Fight Like a Girl” cards in honor or in memory of a loved one to be displayed in our waiting room!

If you can’t make it to the office……just call and buy your ticket over the phone! (225) 755-3070

All proceeds will help continue our cancer research at the Sallie Astor Burden Breast Foundation!

Beginning with a Dream………Ending with a Cure!

Antibiotics May Cause Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mr. Jiang, Dr. Elliott & Suzana outside the Breast Foundation.

We have been very busy this summer, and have had several accomplishments. We had a paper published called, “Antibiotic Over Usage Causes Mitochondrial Dysfunction which May Promote Tumorigenesis,” and this has received a great deal of attention and has been well received in the cancer metabolism community. It tells us that over usage of antibiotics may be causing problems. We are presently doing a lot of work in our lab on the damage antibiotic do to mitochondria and the possibility that it may promote cancer. The final results are still pending, but the they are quite impressive. We are very happy to tell you that we have a new nice Olympus Microscope in our lab that can do amazing florescent microscopy and live cell imaging.

Dr. Elliott & Mr. Jiang reviewing live cell imaging

This Olympus Microscope is a great addition to our laboratory and exciting research experiments are being done and we will soon be giving you a great deal of information about that especially the effect of antibiotics on intracellular mitochondria.

We have some exciting trips planned for this month. The first part of the month we will be going to Boston for a Cancer Immunology and Cancer Immunotherapy meeting sponsored by the AACR (American Association of Cancer Research).  We are presenting a poster presentation entitled “Tumor Micro Environment Immunosuppresion: The role of neglected molecules iron and HLA-G.

In the next several weeks, I will be meeting with Dr. Scott Gottlieb the new FDA Commissioner regarding Cancer Immunotherapy in the community.

I am also going to my undergraduate university, Delta State University,  in Cleveland Mississippi to conduct the Elliott-Nowell-White Science Symposium.  This will be the 26th year of conducting this symposium for our undergraduate school.

We will go to Baltimore the beginning of November to speak at a meeting on Cancer metabolism. We will be discussing the role of mitochondria in tumorigenesis and special diets that may help chemo sensitivity and improve drugs used for cancer and cut down on the toxicity with less dosage.

A lot of things are happening that we want you to know about. If you have any questions, please contact us.  We will try and respond as soon as possible. We appreciate everyone’s support and October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and we would like for those who are interested to participate and feel free to donate to our Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Thank you for your support and I look forward to interacting with you again. God Bless.

Robert L. Elliott, M.D., Ph.D., D.  Sc.

Research Update

Dr. Elliott & Dr. Tom Price

Hi this is Dr. Robert Elliott and I thought it was time to give all of our followers a research update on some exciting evens that have taken place in the last several months. As most of you might know, I was called to Washington and met with the Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Tom Price on April 28, 2017. This was a visit to discuss simplifying regulations for Cancer Immunotherapy in patients being able to use their own autologous tissue for vaccine therapy. At that time, Dr. Price stated when the FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb got confirmed, he would ask for me to come back and meet with him. He has now been confirmed and about 2-3 weeks ago I got a call from Deputy FDA commissioner and we had a conference call about arranging a meeting with the FDA commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb. That meeting will also involve regulations for patients having autologous vaccines developed for cancer immunotherapy.  Hopefully that meeting will take place soon.

Another great meeting, I had about 3 weeks ago at Florida Atlantic University with a tremendous scientist Dr. Hebert Weissbach. He is working on cancer metabolism as we are. He has done some exciting work on increasing drug sensitivity for cancer therapy. We had a 2 day meeting and it was very exciting and at that time I also was able to meet with Dr. Fred Sancilio. He has a biotechnology company that is doing great things; he is involved in lipid metabolism was very interested in Dr. Weissbach’s research and what we are doing on cancer metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction. He is very supportive of our work and we are trying to establish a real collaborative effort with Dr. Weissbach and Dr. Sancilio.

We have talked in previous blog posts about mitochondrial organelle transplantation in cancer and we now have evidence that mitochondrial organelle transplantation may also work in neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). This is extremely exiciting and we are pursing that diligently and have met with some scientist that will possibly impact our research. Dr. Jiang and I have been accepted to present a poster presentation and short talk at the AACR regional meeting on Tumor immunology and immunotherapy. That meeting will be in Boston October 1-4, 2017. We are excited to have been accepted to present at that meeting and we will give a follow-up to all of you after we return from Boston.

There is also a great meeting Tripping Over the Truth retreat in Baltimore the first part of November that involves cancer metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction and we have been invited to be a major participant. We will give you and update on that and hopefully we can have a central area to promote that type of research. We are having a very exciting period and much of you know that October is Breast Cancer Awareness month so please feel free to contribute to our Breast Cancer Research at our Breast Foundation if you would like to support our work. We appreciate it and thank you very much and soon there will be more to come about all that has been mentioned.

Thank you,

Robert L Elliott, M.D., Ph.D, D.Sc.

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